U.S. Adults Describe Chiropractic Care as More Safe and Effective Vs. Surgery and Medication
February 23, 2017
Chiropractic Care: Lowest Cost and Shortest Path to Back Pain Relief (Austin Texas)
March 6, 2017So, how do you go about choosing (and trusting) your Austin-area chiropractor. Of course, first hand-referral from friends and relatives is singularity the best source. If direct friend or relative referral is unavailable, then seek and really listen to the chiropractic testimonials of others. Also, look for chiropractic teams who seek to educate on all facets of chiropractic care. Those are the care teams carrying YOUR best interest at heart.
Today we’d like to share the work of a colleague (Steven Silverman, D.C., M.S.) who offers incredibly valuable insights into the importance of vitamin and mineral supplements. Dr. Silverman is one of the aforementioned selfless chiropractic practitioners who offer his work for us to fully and freely reproduce here in the interest of educating our patients. So with thanks in advance to Dr. Silverman, enjoy the following read and strongly consider his findings and recommendations.