Back-To-School: Backpack Safety
August 17, 2022
TexStar Chiropractic Bee Cave Ribbon Cutting & Open House
August 31, 2022Welcome back to our TexStar Chiropractic health blog which we manage with the intent of supporting healthy and pain free living. Before we get started today, we want everyone to know that if you ever have any question regarding drug and surgery-free paths to pain management, we encourage you to give any of our four TexStar locations a call. Here are direct links to our offices near you: TexStar Chiropractic Austin, TexStar Chiropractic Buda, TexStar Chiropractic Bee Cave, and TexStar Chiropractic Dripping Springs.
Why is sitting so bad for you?
There are things you can do in addition to regular chiropractic adjustments to keep your spine in better health.
— Sitting is the New Smoking —
Now more than ever, many of us spend our day sitting in a chair hunched over a computer. You may think the “dangers of the seated position” sound dramatic, but the effects of sitting for most of the day on a regular basis have actually been proven to be as harmful to the body as smoking!
In addition, it can cause lower back pain, neck pain, and rounding of the shoulders. You may be thinking, “I have to get my work done and I need to sit at the computer”.
How to combat the negative effects of sitting:
Convert to a Standing Desk
Talk to your HR and ask about a standing desk. Many companies offer it as an ergonomic option. If you work from home, or for a smaller company, convert your desk to a standing desk so your default is to stand. If you get tired and need to sit, then take an hour to work from a table elsewhere in your workspace.
Take Frequent Movement Breaks
Set a timer each hour and move your body for 5 minutes. When you are on the phone, use earbuds and walk around while you talk.
Use Your Lunch— and definitely don’t skip it
Spend part of your lunch getting your body moving. This will also help offset the afternoon drag.
Build Your Posterior Chain
When sitting, your hip flexors tighten and the backside of your body—your posterior chain— becomes inactive or weakened. To counteract this, include simple exercises to your day. Many of these exercises can even be done without breaking a sweat! Some examples are: supermans, wall angels, glute bridges, bent-over rows, and deadlifts. If you are unsure how to do these movements with proper form, it is a great idea to work with a trainer to prevent injury and strengthen the correct muscles.
Download the Above FREE Guide Here
Strengthen Your Core
Many people think you work your core to have a flat stomach or a “six pack.” However, having a strong core will truly help you in every aspect of your life including posture, reducing lower back pain, and even increasing balance; it goes way beyond a flat stomach! Add some of these exercises to increase core strength: planks, angry penguins, and flutter kicks. Seek consult from a trainer or one of our Therapy Techs at TexStar Chiropractic if you are unsure how to do these movements correctly.
Visit a Chiropractor!
If you have been sitting for years, you may be experiencing some long-term issues. A great chiropractor can help you identify these issues and put a plan together to help resolve your challenges. Chiropractic treatment creates a strong foundation that movement and biomechanics are built on.
Some of the ways to know if you may need to see a chiropractor are chronic pain in your neck, back and/or shoulders; restriction of movement in your neck, shoulders, back, pelvis or hips; frequent headaches, or rounded shoulders.
If you are suffering with acute or chronic back pain, Spinal Decompression Treatment may significantly help your condition. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog on Spinal Decompression Therapy.