TexStar COVID Update
March 25, 2020
Texstar Home Core Exercises with Mariah
April 17, 2020
Hi Everyone!
Dr. Henry, Dr. Tran, and Dr. Woods here,
First off, we want to let all our wellness care patients know how much we miss you and that we can’t wait to see your smiling faces back in our offices soon. This too shall pass, and we will be here for you when it does (or sooner if you need us).
Secondly, for our patients that are experiencing pain, dysfunction or on acute care treatment plans there have been a few
updates to local health care recommendations which will slightly change how your visits look here in our office.
We will be extending our COVID-19 safety procedures through at least April 30th.
We are further limiting the number of treatment slots we are offering to enable us to maintain good social distancing in the office. We ask that your guests wait outside when possible or let us know they are coming so we can plan accordingly. We also ask that if you are early you call us before coming into the office. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We have arranged specific treatment windows for our higher risk patients due to greater than expected demand. Our older and immunocompromised patients that are in enough pain to
need care now can be seen with very limited contact from staff and no contact at all with other patients.
Following updated CDC recommendations our treatment staff will be wearing face masks when distancing is not possible such as during your adjustment and hands-on rehab. We also recommend that you follow the local recommendations of wearing a face covering when you are out anywhere in public when maintaining 6-foot separation isn’t possible.
We will continue the social distancing and sanitation practices that we have outlined in our previous email.
We want to remind you that if you are having pain that is not getting better with basic home care then
call us before coming in and we may be able to recommend some other things for you to try at home.
Finally, remember that if you are in pain don’t wait until it’s unbearable. We want you to try home care
first but don’t let a small thing that can be corrected in one or two visits turn into a bigger issue that will
require more care or worse a visit to an ER or urgent care.
You are all in our thoughts. Stay safe and call us (512) 899-2228, text us
(512) 956-0111, or email us if there is anything we can do to help.
Your TexStar Chiropractic Team