MD Testimony About Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy
April 9, 2018Chiro Treatment of Knee Arthritis in Austin Texas
April 23, 2018Hi. We produced this video to provide our audience with a concise description of our Austin Texas Chiropractic clinic, what we do, and how we operate. The video takes you inside our clinic, shares images of our staff, and briefly describes the types of chiropractic treatment services offered here at our south Austin clinic. We hope you enjoy it. Here’s the transcript of the video.
When your neck or back hurts it’s
natural to just want relief but did you
know that your back or neck pain could
be a sign of a serious spine condition?
Lasting relief requires an
accurate diagnosis of the underlying
problem and specialized treatment.
At Austin Texas’ TexStar Chiropractic we provide
conservative non-surgical spine care and
we collaborate with medical specialists
to give you the benefit of chiropractic
and medical care combined. We offer a free
consultation so you can meet our staff
and discuss your condition with one of
our doctors without cost or obligation.
Next we will conduct a detailed examination
and make sure that your spine problem is
properly diagnosed and design a
personalized care plan to get you fast
Your plan
might include high-level services like the patented MLS laser or spinaldecompression. If collaboration with a
medical specialist is appropriate, we can
make sure that you’re seen promptly and
conveniently. We’ll explain everything to
you in detail and answer all your
questions before you start treatments.
Why wait or suffer any longer. You can
stop living with pain and limitations
pick up the phone and call our office or
fill out the form on our website to
schedule your free consultation. Take
that first step right now!