Myoneural Therapy Session Knee Treatment – Same Day Before and After
January 26, 2021Three Tips to Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep
February 23, 2021Greetings once again from your TexStar chiropractic care team here in Buda! Today’s blog post and video focus is on spinal disc injuries and how chiropractic treatment can deliver quick and lasting pain relief. In the video below, Dr. Henry, DC explains the anatomy of spinal discs. He also covers the subjects of sciatica and low back pain which are two common types of spinal disc issues that we treat.
We want to be sure you understand the key point of this video. Here at Buda’s TexStar Chiropractic, we help the body heal itself without drugs, needles, or surgery. Our commitment to you is to not only deliver significant and long-lasting pain relief, but to educate you every step of the way, from diagnosis to the ultimate goal of a completely healed state. We want you to understand what is going on in your body and how you can optimize your spinal health on a daily basis.
Contact us to get started today!