Texstar Home Core Exercises with Mariah
April 17, 2020Work from Home Ergonomics Tips from Dr. Henry
April 29, 2020Hello again from your caring team here at Buda and Kyle’s TexStar Chiropractic. Given the warm feedback we received regarding last week’s blog post and video about at-home exercises for the lower back, we thought we’d serve up new video to address another common health complaint, neck pain. All of us here at TexStar Chiropractic understand the physical and mental stress associated with this pandemic, and that this stress can manifest itself into neck pain. In this video, Ryan, our lead rehabilitation technician, leads a short three-minute video depicting several exercises that you can accomplish at home and which hopefully will help you address discomfort within your neck.
Here is Ryan:
These are exercises designed for both the young and seniors alike, but if you experience pain while doing any of these exercises STOP. Also, if you are already having pain that is not getting better with basic home care, call us. We can either give you some other home recommendations to try or get you scheduled for a visit in the office if needed.
Keep your chin up!