College Colors Day at TexStar Chiropractic!
September 3, 2021
Movement Monday: The Desk Mobilizer
September 23, 2021If you are new here to our TexStar Chiropractic’s Buda/Kyle blog, you will soon discover we invest a great amount of resources in educating the public on ways to promote good spine and neck care. As an example, we invite you to check out TexStar Chiropractic’s nine-part video series on “Low Back Home Exercises”.
We are thrilled to have our Lead Therapy Tech, Kyle, back with you for a new Monday blog series called “Movement Monday”. Our Movement Monday series is designed to introduce you to simple movements that you can do anytime at home to:
- Increase Your Range of Motion
- Reduce Joint/Extremity Pain
- Build Strength/Stabilization
Today’s video is focused on thoracic spine rotations you can do at home. Our upper backs are naturally tight due to most of our day being seated at work, either typing, writing, or on the phone. Our shoulders slump forward, which causes our upper back to stay rounded all day. This exercise helps to create mobility in our upper back. So, enjoy Kyle’s demonstration of “Thoracic Spine Rotations”
Important Disclaimer: If this exercise causes numbness, tingling, pain, or discomfort, stop immediately. Consult with a health care professional before resuming this movement.
If you are suffering from low back pain and home treatment isn’t getting you the results you want then click here to schedule a free chiropractic consultation with one of our doctors to see if we can help you reach your goals.