Neck Pain Relief Exercise Video #8: “Deep Stretching”
March 1, 2022
Auto Accident Victims Celebrate Their Chiropractic Treatment
March 15, 2022Today we share our final episode of our “Neck Pain Home Exercise Video Series”. Greetings to you all. This is the last segment of TexStar Chiropractic’s educational blog post series, demonstrating neck and upper back exercises you can safely do at home. Although this is the last of our current educational video series, worry not! We have other things up our sleeve in the very near-future to help you eliminate or reduce the back and/or neck pain robbing you of the quality-of-life you deserve.
This exercise, “Deep Stretching”, is for those who have gained flexibility by adopting the seven previous exercises within your daily routines. Don’t be misled by the title “Deep Stretching” in thinking this is some form of advanced stretching technique. Think of it more as a capstone exercise that will take you to a new level of neck and spine range of motion.
Before we share our final exercise, for your quick reference, below is the link to our previous seven stretching video blog posts:
- Episode 1: The Towel Pull
Episode 2: The Resistance Press
Episode 3: The Lateral Flexion with Resistance Stretch
Episode 4: The Shoulder Shrug and Squeeze
Episode 5: Neck Flexion and Extensions
Episode 6: Neck Rotation
Episode 7: Tilted Forward Flexion
Remember, if you are suffering from neck pain and home treatment isn’t getting you the results you want, click here to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors to see if we can help you reach your goals.
Now, on to “Deep Stretching”
Important Disclaimer: If any of these exercises cause numbness, tingling, pain, or discomfort, stop immediately. Consult with a healthcare professional before resuming any of these stretch therapies.
Thanks for watching and stay tuned for more pain reducing and quality of life enhancing tips from your friends here at TexStar Chiropractic!